Tuesday 29 July 2008

To the desert and back...

Have you ever had to shy away from your loved ones? 

... Simply because you couldn't let them into a part of your life that you 

felt they wouldn't understand. You know... 

the sneaky phone calls, 

the coming-home-late for no reason, 

those unexplainable expenses, 

that box that must never be opened, 

the extra money in your account, 

that new perfume... 

the cloak and dagger lifestyle that is eating you away, 
while you believe it is letting you glow.

Glowing in the desert? 
Who is going to see your light?

The desert is a wasteland. A waste of time, energy and peace. 

It saps you of your vigour, takes away your pride, 

It makes you temperamental-bordering on insanity. 

In a desert, you fight mirages, shadows and charades, 

You win feeble victories for no just cause and even then your glory is thwarted because you have no verve to celebrate it. 

No man who has ever been through a desert was at peace until he found Greenland. 

Some men and women are lucky to escape the desert before they were buried by the sand dunes or misguided by the winds. 

Some have given themselves to the desert believing it was their destiny. 

This I'll say... your destiny goes where you lead it to. 

I once found myself in a desert, with no hope for a better day; I toiled relentlessly for survival until I found that I was in a desert that had always been surrounded by Greenland. 

I did the hard-easy... I broke free. 

My land is GREEN.

Some might ask “what led you to the desert in the first place?” And if I’ll answer that truthfully, I’ll say it is fEaR.

Fear of the known and unknown…trying to fight the demons of the past and the mysteries of the future with the desert of the present.

I can hear your heart beating…I used to know that feeling, it’s called fear.

I don't know what desert you are in... Could be a comatose relationship, a gauche affair, a shady goldmine, a good intention gone sour...whatever it is... find your Greenland. 

Find it fast!

Me! Me! Me!

Who makes you smile?
Who makes you dance?
Who do you love?
Who is the best there is?
Who are you laughing with?
Who seems to be going bananas?
Who is scaring the hell out of you right now?
Who’s back to her blog?