I hope this post doesn't end up sounding like the whines of a hassled woman but anyway here I go...
As I packed my bags a month ago, to live in France for 3months
I did a lot and left a lot undone because I had...So little time
A month on, I have done a lot and still have a lot to do and I am afraid that I may just have...So little time
Why is it that in this beautiful world that is colour filled with ambiguity and quest, man unlike other creatures always ends his journey without truly doing it all?
You do not agree? Well then, how many that are gone had the time to -
*rest as they should have
*smile and put a smile on another
*love and be loved as they would have wanted
*achieve that dream of going to space
*laze, for the experience of it
*reach the peak of their careers
*truly serve GOD
The list can go on but Alas! I have ...So little time.
I would like to be like Columbus and determine for myself if the world is round, flat, square or just God's drawing sheet...I long to love and be loved.
It would be fun to be an aerospace engineer, swim with dolphins, climb everest, be a neurologist and a regular blogger in the same vein.
Though these musings of mine have led caring friends to label me eccentric but my mind sometimes just won't let go.
I seek so strongly for an egress, I feel like I owe my reason for being to fully accomplish the mission that is ME(another story entirely).
I hope there are others like me out there...Can you hear me?
How do we do it all?
How do we relieve ourselves of the pressure of being who we are?
How do we give all we have to give and in turn receive what we want and need?
Why do the winds seem to transport us to lonely terres?
I do have enough time for a solemn prayer...
My Dear Lord, by the time I evolve to be with you at 120 years, let me have had enough time and strength and beauty to do it all, as you wish.(AMEN).
120 Years? Hmmmmmm. Yeah I feel you on the so little time but One step at a time is the key.
I totally agree with you on that.As a matter of fact I was thinking about this in the morning...I just thought to myself...this is my life...I can't wait till i hit those billions before I live it...my life begins now...I then resolved again as I have done on several occassions to really LIVE IT UP!!!...Do It Now...Serve God NOW,Travel NOW,Love NOW...Savour every joyous moment...Life is Beautiful...regardless of what we're going through...
@For the love - Thanks! I am trying to take it one step at a time these days and I really intend to reach 120years o (lol).
@NoLimit - That is the spirit jare! Keep on...life doesn't begin with billions, it begins now!
THANK YOU! I feel better.
I liked 'to love and be loved' and also that when you evolve may you have done it as He wished.
Nice post.
I recall tugging on these thoughts weeks ago, like an angry horse would on the fetters that holds it down. It was at a time I visited a cemetary and saw that - all things have a terminus. Expiry date. Life too. 'Oh ...what a waste a whole lifetime can be!'. Graveyards have the very best that humanity can offer. All ages. All achievement records. The graveyard always has a better you. Epitaphs can't express the empty abyss our plans fail to fill. We simply place Mount Everest before us and swear to rake it down with a fork ! Then, we gather Judges all around... toil and suffer not to dissappoint mere mortals, so that they can hail us. We don't see how easily we 'bulls-eye dive' into the abbys of failure. With ego-filled chagrin and without a pinch of remorse! Like we dictate life, while the Big Guy who grants the grace watches over the little us with Mercy! That we're able to make any change to our being, is simply - a special grace. Life is all about race. Race to Live... Race to Die... Race to Judgement... Race to...! Oh- well, it can either be to HEAVEN or HELL. Now I know, my life must impact my world for GOOD, in whatever I find my hands to do. So help me GOD. Amen!
Buki that was a really nice thought.
@ Walking - We all hope to live it as he wishes. Nice to see you here.
@ Richo! - You always go deeper than me...how is it going on the other side?
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