Tuesday, 18 November 2008



It feels so crazy...

He is a cool kind of nerd (always has been) and he is kind and gentle but firm.

He is adventurous, ambitous, hard working and....mmmmmmmmmmmmm

I have known him for 16 years and been in love with him for 15years (I know!). I have had relationships…and I am not infatuated.

He was there for me like a knight in shinning armor and I don't want to ruin a delicate friendship.

I had hoped against hope that I will outgrow this... but its been 15years and I think cupid has no other arrow for me...

I need to go and sort out my head...


UndaCovaSista said...

He sounds nice. Hope it works out the way you'd like it to. Thanks for stopping by mine the other day..

Yewande Atanda said...

Good you're falling in love. Nice blog here.

LG said...

aww' all the best dear'

Buki said...

@undacovasista - he is really nice and I'll just walk slowly and let him step in line...thanks luv.

@Yewande - Love is gooood...how's the doctor?

@LG - Thank you.

laspapi said...

Que Sera Sera...

Buki said...

@laspapi - Wise saying...you are right. Thank You.

Azuka said...

Ahem. Are you going to make a move?

temmy tayo said...

I love ''lurve''. All da best sweetie.

Buttercup said...

Dang girl 15yrs? Wow..

Well, does he know how u feel?

Buki said...

@Azuka - Ahem...I think I might make some subtle moves but...nothing too heavy.

@Temmy tayo - Thanks girl...love is just crazy!

@Buttercup - Well...I think we have both felt the same way but at different times and that's why it has taken 15yrs....though we both dated other pple...I just hope he hasn't gotten over me.

Anonymous said...

really...hmmm, I see. I know that kind of feeling. Let me tell you that love feels like heaven but hurts like hell.

Chris Ogunlowo said...

All the best with your love O!

15 years? Damn!

Buki said...

@Kinshar - I know what you mean and that's why I am not going to rush. Thanks babe.

@Aloofar - It sounds too crazy abi...I think it's even worse cos we are both not seeing anyone at the moment...the only hook is we both keep moving around the world but keeping up with each other.

Buki said...

@ Aloofar - Thank you!

Jinta said...

ok. 15 years. no need to tread softly anymore.

Buki said...

@ Jinta - lol @ "no need to tread softly anymore"...You are right but I don't want to lose him even if there no relationship but anyway he's coming to see me next week so I might just not tread softly.