I did my best to help her believe in the silver lining after every cloud and then I proceeded to work up my own storm...I went through the tides of my real and imagined 'failures', my elusive goals and my challenges and really worked myself up to a thunderous level and then I packed my bags to go home.
However as I stepped into the train station, I saw a mother and her child huddled in the corner begging for money, food, clothing and whatever in the freezing rain and biting cold and I immediately felt a flood of shame wash over me. I gave them something and I got on on the train and then I realized... SO WHAT?! The year is ending and...
I am not ...Oprah Winfrey yet...so what?!
I don't own Microsoft Corporation yet...so what?!
I don't own a mansion in Lekki, a private jet and 2010 Range Rover yet(vera's influence)...so what?!
Yes I have big dreams! I am gonna get there...I know I will!
However, WHAT is important is that I never have to beg for anything or stand in the freezing rain and biting cold and for all that...I should be thankful.
The year is ending and I AM THANKFUL!

Hey, it's one @ a time.
I feel U on this..I really do. Similar dream awaits Pple like me, but U know, it's all steppin' stones to success..
Been an interesting year for me as well. Thankfulness is a good state of mind to have. And as the bible says 'Hope makes us not ashamed...'
Lovely lovely toons. A very inspiring post. Reminds me of me in innumerable ways.lol.
I watched a series a few weeks back in which a wiser older man told a younger, less wise woman:
'Patience is a hard lesson to learn for people of great ambition. But its benefits are deeply rewarding'
there are so many things I still havent accomplished....but I still have all next year...lol
@Tommeh - Thank you...but sometimes the stones seem to become rocks and your feet starts to feel weary but I am never going to quit climbing those steps.
@UndaCovaSista - I'll remain thankful and hopeful...How are you?
@doug - Patience eh...I need that badly, don't I?...Sometimes we just wish our hands will turn into wings and we can scale to the utmost heights in a second...but I'll be patient.
@Kin'shar - lol! I still have next year too and the next and the next one after and...
i'm thankful for everything
*happy w'end
its only human to complain n not be grateful for what we do have..
love the toons!
how r u sweetie??
so what, indeed
@ LG - Thanks love...the weekend was a blast!
@ Buttercup - Humans! We can never get enough, can we? And I am fine, thanks for asking.
@ Jinta - Yeah! So what,indeed.
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